Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is additional funding given to schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. (Dfe website)

This funding is used to support the attainment and progress of children who are entitled to free school meals.
Each year schools must report how they have used this funding and what the impact has been.

What was the impact of our Pupil premium spend?     How will we use this year’s allocation?


Sports Premium 2023-24

We receive £16,000 p.a. plus an additional £4 per pupil This fund is used to

Increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

Our sports coach teaches a lesson each week. Staff participate and learn from her excellent practice in games and gymnastics.

Purchase updated schemes of work to support planning and delivery of quality lessons that build skills in a sequence.

Promote the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity

We refresh the equipment we use in the playgrounds to offer a wide range of sports, including basketball, tennis, football and hockey as well as indoors- goal ball.

Raise the profile of PE and sport  across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

We recognise the need for children to be fit and healthy. We are a healthy school (Bronze, 2022) and are working towards silver. 
Broaden experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils

See above range of sports. We provide a camping experience to children in Year 2. This gives them the experience of physical activity in a natural setting.

Increase participation in competitive sport

Whilst we do not regularly participate with other settings we do have in school activities such as a World Cup football tournament- within class and between classes, organised by our sports coach.