The School Day

The school day is organised to optimise the time for learning.

Learning starts at 9am for all children.

Direct teaching is at the start and end of the morning and afternoon sessions. This allows time in between for adults to work with children but also for the children to have extended time for their choice of activity. 

The length of this time reduces as the children grow older, preparing them for the next stage of learning in the junior school.  

All classes have a similar timetable:
  • Starter tasks (reading and writing based) 
  • Direct instruction- Book based learning (Literacy)
  • “Over to you time”
  • Phonics until reading confidently then “Book talk”- a comprehension session
  • Direct instruction in Maths
  • “Over to you time”
  • End of day session and story.



9.00am – 11.45am         12.45-3.30pm

9.00am-12.15 pm         1.15- 3.30pm


30 Hours provision for eligible families 

8.45am – 11.45pm OR 12.30pm – 3.30pm


It is very important that children should arrive at school on time.  If children are absent it can affect their progress and subsequent achievement, if your child is absent from school, please contact us on parentmail by 9.30 am or call and leave a message.

Attendance Policy 1

If children arrive late they will miss the start of the day’s learning. 

If you are not going to collect your child, please let your child’s class teacher know the name of the adult who will.

We know you will make every effort to be on time but if you are going to be delayed please contact school so we can make arrangements to care for your child until you arrive.

Wrap around care

Premier Education provide breakfast club 8-9 am and after school club 3.30-6.30 

There is now also a holiday club organised by Premier.

Bookings are entirely managed by Premier education