Our Governing Board

Woodgrange Infants School governors

This section of the website is about the governing body of the school. Here you can find out:

Our Governing Body is a friendly and committed team of individuals. We include parents whose children are at the school, people from the local community, members of staff, and someone who is appointed by the local authority. Our job is to oversee the work of the school, and to do this we work closely with the Head Teacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management.

We have widely differing backgrounds and skills but share the aim of working with the Head Teacher and senior staff to raise levels of achievement and enjoyment for the children of the school. The full Governing Body meets four times a year. We also have two committees to discuss the Curriculum and Finance of the school and many Link Governors who have a particular responsibility for specific areas like early years, computing, language and literacy, and more.

Governors are expected to visit the school at least once a year and to meet more often with relevant staff if they are a Link Governor to ensure they are fully informed and involved in their role as “critical friend” to the school. There is a wealth of training available to help governors in this very rewarding role. We are supported in our work by Newham Partnership Working (NPW), who deal with our agendas and papers, minutes, action points, provide training, and other support for us and the school.

We have all signed up to a Code of Conduct which we agree sets out how we should act.

Our terms of Reference can be found here: WOODGRANGE GB terms of reference

We publish an annual report for parents every summer, which is a short, easy to understand summary of what we have done during the previous year. 

Financial information about our school can be found here. https://schools-financial-benchmarking.service.gov.uk/School?urn=102722