The full governing body meets four times a year. This means we meet once every term, plus one extra training meeting which we normally hold in December. Our meetings are made up of governors, associate governors (if applicable) and attended by a clerk from Newham Partnership Working (NPW) who will take the minutes. Our current clerk is Gary Ewer.
We also have two committees, the Curriculum Committee and the Finance Committee.
Curriculum committee
The Curriculum Committee oversees how children at the school learn, and behave, and relationships the school has with other people and organisations.
For more information about the role of the Curriculum Committee, please see the terms of reference curriculum committee 2021
The Curriculum committee meets three times a year, normally before the meeting of the governing body, so that the minutes of the committee form part of the agenda for the full governors’ meeting.
Finance committee
The Finance committee is supported by the school’s bursar, Abu Choudhury who provides professional expertise and input into budget setting and monitoring. The Finance committee oversees all aspects of the school’s finances, including setting and monitoring the budget, looking at how the pupil premium is spent, and more.
For more information about the role of the Finance Committee, please see the Finance Committee Terms of Reference
The Finance committee meets 6 times a year, normally before the meeting of the governing body, so that the minutes of the committee form part of the agenda for the full governors’ meeting.