Have you ever considered becoming a school governor? We are always looking for new people to become governors. Even when our governing body is full, there will still be governors whose term of office is due to end, or governors who may leave the governing body because they move house, or because of other commitments.
We undertake a skills audit update annually where we review the skills and experience we have collectively, and consider what areas we need to enhance. We generally have a broad range of skills and experience across a number of leading professions.
We have identified areas where it would be beneficial for us to have some more experience within the governing body, especially in: data analysis, financial planning, health and safety, premises management, governance, audit, PR/marketing. We do not expect that new governors will be experts in all of these areas, but we will be particularly interested to hear from people who have personal and/or professional experience in any of these.
In addition to this, we know that currently we do not reflect the community we serve. We are therefore particularly interested in recruiting governors who are male, and people from black and minority ethnic backgrounds.
We can appoint Associate Governors, who sit on our meetings but do not vote.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, then one way forward might be for us to appoint you as an Associate so that you can find out more about it.
What would I get out of being a governor?
- An insight into how the school works
- A chance to improve the children’s experience
- An opportunity to give something back to the education system
- Something extra to put on your CV… and you would be joining the biggest group of volunteers in the country!
If you are interested, please do get in contact to find out more. We would love to hear from you.
Find out more
There are several organisations that can give you more information about being a school governor, or provide information and support if you become a governor. Some of the most useful of these are listed below.
The Department for Education (DfE) – www.gov.uk/dfe
Governornet – www.governornet.co.uk
Governorline – www.worklifesupport.com/governorline
NPW governor services – http://www.npw.uk.com/governor-services
National Governors Association – www.nga.org.uk